Morpheus 8 Face

Rejuvenate and tighten your facial skin with our Morpheus 8 Face treatment. Experience the magic of micro-needling and radiofrequency, stimulating collagen production and leaving you with firmer, smoother skin that defies age.

Morpheus 8 Body

Extend the power of Morpheus 8 to your body, as we sculpt and tone your silhouette. This revolutionary treatment tightens loose skin, reduces cellulite, and enhances your contours, helping you achieve the body you've always dreamed of.

Lumecca IPL Laser Facial

Rediscover your skin's brilliance with our Lumecca IPL Laser Facial. Combat sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and redness as the intense pulsed light gently targets imperfections, revealing a glowing complexion you'll love.


Polish away imperfections and dead skin cells with our Microdermabrasion treatment. Renew your skin's texture and unveil a fresh, youthful glow, free from blemishes and dullness.


Embrace the wonders of Dermaplaning, a gentle exfoliation technique that removes vellus hair and dead skin cells, leaving your face smooth, bright, and ready to absorb the benefits of subsequent treatments.

Chemical Peels

Experience the art of skin renewal with our Chemical Peels. Customized to your skin's needs, these peels reveal younger, healthier skin, and address concerns such as acne scars, fine lines, and uneven tone.

Acne Facials

Our specialized Acne Facials target blemishes and breakouts, giving you a clear and purified complexion. Let our skilled aestheticians address your unique skin concerns and help you regain your confidence.

Anti-aging Facials

Turn back the hands of time with our Anti-aging Facials. Nourish, hydrate, and rejuvenate your skin with potent antioxidants and age-defying ingredients, leaving you looking youthful and radiant.

Derma Hydro Facial

Indulge in the ultimate hydration experience with our Derma Hydro Facial. Replenish your skin's moisture reservoirs and achieve a plump, dewy complexion that exudes vitality and health.

Professional Personalized Treatment Plan

At Iconic Skin, we believe that every individual's skin is unique, and our expert team of licensed professionals will create a personalized treatment plan that caters to your specific needs and desires. Experience the pinnacle of skincare excellence with us and embrace your true beauty – because at Iconic Skin, your skin's journey to perfection begins here.

Get in touch


Office: 561-884-4444
Cell: 561-789-6116


  • Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm
  • Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm


200 Glades Road Suite 2
Boca Raton, FL 33432